Richter : Dr.J.Szilagyi , HU

Richterbericht Phoebe Clubshow CCD Natbergen


3 years old red bitch in good size .Feminin head , could be little mor stop .

Good neck .Little straight front .Good proportioned body .Little high tail set .Littel open angulation .Good moving , good temperament .


Formwert : V2 res.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH

Richter : Dr.J.Szilagyi , HU

Richterbericht Daron Clubshow CCD Natbergen


3 years old red male in good size .Masculin head .Stop could be more .Good neck .Little narrow front with french step .Good proportioned body .Littel straight first and rear angulation.Little short step in moving . Good Character .


Formwert : SG 3